“An unforgettable word”
He said it! And now that? I had never felt that sensation, two syllables that make me feel full of joy, here in my living room. A mother begins to be a mom when her baby calls her for the first time… “Ma .. ma.” I will never get tired of hearing it, and I know that I will always be there for him, no matter what happens… and that comforts me.
The ceramic pavements that cover our living room floor have laid the foundations for the life I always dreamed of. Its refined finishes have hosted one of the moments that will define my life forever.

When I imagined my life, I liked to be precise with the details, it's funny because now, I find it hard to remember what these moments were like in my head, somehow it's as if I had lived them before…
Our life
makes sense,
day after day.
I can't wait to tell him, when his father hears it he will kiss him all over... He was so confident that it would be his first word, I'm excited... I should have recorded it!

I can't wait for him to say "pa..pa", that he can feel the same fullness that I do right now. Our son has that power to make us happy with just a word. Is there anything more powerful than that?
The best decor is our son happiness.
And suddenly, we are already parents, and we are a family, a real one, one of those I always imagined.
We did it. We live the life we've always wanted.

As you imagine your life,
we design it.
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